Diebel, L. N., J. G. Tyburski and S. A. Dulchavsky. Effect of hypertonic saline solution and dextran on ventricular blood flow and heart-lung interaction after hemorrhagic shock. Surgery. 124:642-650, 1998.

Background. Hypertonic saline solutions may have beneficial hemodynamic effects in, the resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock. The effects on cardiac function and potential interaction with lung function are controversial and served as the basis for this study. Methods. Domestic swine were resuscitated from hemorrhagic shock with equivalent sodium loads of lactated Ringer's solution (LR) or 7.5% NaCl plus 10% dextran (HSD). Hemodynamic data were obtained at baseline, shock, and after resuscitation. Right ventricular ejection fraction and left ventricular change in pressure with respect to time (dP/dt) were used to index contractility. Regional myocardial blood flow was determined with microspheres. Lung water was determined gravimetrically. Results. There were no differences in the ability to restore hemodynamic parameters with equivalent sodium lends of LR and HSD resuscitation. Right ventricular ejection fr action and left ventricular change in pressure with respect to time were only transiently affected by shock and resuscitation. Regional myocardial blood flow was increased above baseline values after NSD. The total resuscitation volumes were 1958 +/- 750 mL and 140 +/- 31 mL with LR and HSD, respectively. Conclusions. Although LR and HSD were equally effective in the early resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock, this occurred at the expense of significantly greater volume requirements for resuscitation with LR. This may contribute to cardiac dysfunction in this setting. Enhanced regional myocardial blood flow after HSD resuscitation may be beneficial against ongoing myocardial stress.