Schwanke, U., G. Heusch and J. D. Schipke. Mismatch of local blood flow and oxidative metabolism in stunned myocardium. Physiological Research. 51:17-25, 2002.
Myocardial blood flow is spatially heterogeneous, reflecting nonuniform oxygen supply. Also, myocardial oxidative metabolism is spatially heterogeneous. The effects of acute ischemia and reperfusion on the relationship between local myocardial blood flow (LMF) and oxidative metabolism are still unknown. LMF was measured in isolated, blood-perfused rabbit hearts using colored microspheres and oxidation water labeled with O-18(2) ((H2O)-O-18). Three protocols were performed: O-18(2)-perfusion during normoxia (N; n=7), during early reperfusion (ER; 10 min, n=6), and late reperfusion (LR; 40 min, n=6) following 20 min no-flow ischemia. LMF and local (H2O)-O-18 residues were determined within defined myocardial samples (105 +/- 15 mg). For interindividual comparison, values were normalized to the mean of the individual experiment and expressed as percentages. LMF ranged from 18 to 193 % (N), 12 to 250 % (ER), and 11 to 180 % (LR). The (H2O)-O-18 tissue residue ranged from 63 to 132 % (N), 73 to 142 % (ER) and 32 to 148 % (LR). The correlation between LMF and local oxidative metabolism during N (r=0.77; n=56) was lost in the postischemic heart during ER and LR. LMF during N and ER were only weakly correlated (r=0.24; n=48), whereas LMF during N and LR correlated well (r=0.87; n=48). It is concluded that the heterogeneous LMF pattern at baseline is maintained in the stunned myocardium whereas that of local oxidative metabolism is not. Apart from the established mechanisms underlying myocardial stunning, a mismatch between local flow and oxidative metabolism might also contribute. |